Quality Approach

In order to keep its commitment to requirements, PROFEX is involved with a quality approach process.

This approach induces, through various controls of operations, to insure perfect fit of the product and supply.

This quality policy is structured through the following lines :

  • Provide products and services conform to regulations with meeting to customers expectations.
  • Possess the ability and necessary tools for the customers satisfaction.
  • Have skilled personnel due to an appropriate recruitment policy and tailored training program.
  • Work with selected suppliers and evaluate each delivery.
  • Respect the tracking of each shipment.
  • Working with selected providers whom are regularly evaluated.
  • Maintain continuous improvement by determining lines of progress and measured objectives during management reviews.

A rigorous quality policy involves a constant control of all level :

  • Production: Producers are assisted frequently by public bodies that council on the type of variety to grow, calendars, soil preparation, proper use of fertilizers or pesticides and qualitative characteristics for triggering the harvest.
    According to the specifications GLOBALGAP, each producer follows his plots individually (soil conditions, crop monitoring, recording of fertilizer application and pesticide). Each plot is harvested individually to secure their traceability.
    Finally, pesticide residue analysis are regularly carried out in the production area by public agencies or independent laboratories mandated by the producers.
  • At receipt, the level of maturity is checked with each shipment (firmness, color, nutrient density level…). In this way, the incoming shipments are systematically certified.
  • Pesticide residues: special attention is given by PROFEX on this crucial point for food security.
  • Storage conditions: Respect for storage temperature is crucial for optimal preservation and this is why this point is subject to regular checks.
    The whole system of Quality Management is regularly examined to guarantee the proper application of procedures set up and the right functioning of different processes.
  • Control preparations: each order is subject to a final check before availability.